Saturday, April 7, 2012

Another Year Gone By

Can't believe it's been more than a year since I last wrote. That means it's been that long since I sat down, pause, and connect with myself. So many things changed over a year. A year abroad in my new job is like 3 years of my previous KL life. It's like how in sci-fi films, 10 years in space is 100 years on earth.

There's so much to tell bout 2011, let me try to say it all in one para.

My work travel reduced by half. I got really depressed about being in Singapore so often sometimes. But on the bright side, it gave me a chance to settle, and start living a Singapore life. Finally, I started to like Singapore food, make connections with people and lived like a normal human being with friends to share stories with, laugh, be myself, and feel sad when colleagues are leaving. I moved and met 2 really good housemates. Singapore started to feel homely. My career took me on a roller coaster ride where I was beaten down, carried up and finally, got off the ride with a smile on my face.
Moving on to the next chapter, let me tell you what happened in 2012. I got a promotion (yay!) and relocation to Bangkok (double yay!). Actually, I was reluctant to move. I thought, why didn't this chance come 9 months earlier? I would have jumped at it and feel like it's wish came true. This time around, it took a lot of courage for me to take up the offer. Because I knew what was waiting. It's the lions den, the gates of hell. I knew I will be pulled in all directions, and I knew if I take it, I will not allow myself to fail. Which means, I will not pull the plug even if I know I'm pushed to the edge of the cliff. That's the good and bad about me. Behind the success, is all the band aided wound. You can say I'm a tough girl, or you can just call me stubborn and mean to myself. Everyone deserves a break, everyone should know when to give themselves a break. I wish I knew.

So here I am, sitting in my serviced apartment in Bangkok. I'll try to make it a point to pause and enjoy smaller things in life. Make small talk, tell a joke, ask someone how is your day, make connections with people, lighten up, be the old me and be fun.

Cheers to a new life, another new beginning!

1 comment:

  1. 2009 Subaru Forester AC Compressor
    Lovely work! I'm definitely going to visit the blog frequently.
